It's good news for you if you are preparing for the Assistant Second level of Nepal Rastra Bank. I will facilitate you with the Nepal Rastra Bank First Paper Model Questions. I know you might have encountered a lot of problems finding the English version of NRB's Second level book in the market. Mediating that I have prepared a Model Set of Nepal Rastra Bank Assistant Level First Paper in English.

These are the questions from the Management section for the Nepal Rastra Bank Assistant Level in English targeted at those students who have a poor base in the Nepali language and seeking model questions in English.


This model question was designed for personal use at first but to help my visitors I decided to share on this blog. Hence it is made with love and care to boost knowledge of the management concept, principles, and functions.

You will also be able to download the PDF version of Nepal Rastra Bank First Paper Model Questions (Assistant Second) by clicking the download button at the last of this article.

“Planning decides what to do, how to do, and who is to do in advance. It provides the goals to be achieved.” Whose definition is this?

1.       S. P Robinson

2.       M. E Harley

3.       Marie Kusing Neilus 

4.       George R. Teri

“Planning is a conscious process of selecting and developing the best alternative method to fulfill an objective” who said this?

1.       Kunja and Waihrich

2.       Marie Kushing Neilus

3.       Griffin

4.       M.E Harley

“The plan is to decide in advance what to do” Who said this?

1.       Luis Ellen

2.       Alfred and Betti

3.       M.E Harley

4.       Kunja and Waihrich

Which Planning is used Time and again?

1.       Dynamic Plan/ Standing Plan

2.       Long term Plan

3.       Short term Plan

4.       None

When did Periodic Planning start in Nepal?

1.       2010

2.       2013

3.       2016

4.       2017

What is the plan called which is not used for next action or used for only once?

1.       Short term plan

2.       Yearly plan

3.       An experiment plan/ on time use plan

4.       All of the above

Objectives show the organization’s……..

1.       Destination

2.       Plan

3.       Future

4.       All of the above

The future policy direction of an organization is prepared by …..

1.       Budget

2.       Plan

3.       Future

4.       Motivation

Which among the following comes under the planning?

1.       Determine the policy and objectives of an organization

2.       Selection of alternatives and course of action

3.       Selection of the best alternatives

4.       All of the above

Which is not the step of planning?

1.       Determination of goal

2.       Determining the validity of the plan

3.       Resources mobilization

4.       Evaluation of options

How many types of planning are there?

1.       3

2.       4

3.       5

4.       6

Match the following:

         i.            Short term plan     a) formed for 1 to five years

       ii.            Medieval plan         b) formed for 1 year

      iii.            Long term plan        c)for more than 5 years

Ans- ib,iia,iiic

Which of the following falls under the types of plan?

1.       Corporate or Strategic Plan

2.       Departmental Plan

3.       Operational or unit plan

4.       All of the above

Which of the following Quality is necessary in a manager to formulate a plan?

1.       Rational Power

2.       Experience

3.       Vision and dynamic

4.       All of the above

Which of the following element makes plan effective?

1.       Availability of the budget

2.       Motivation

3.       Effective Leadership

4.       All of the above

What is called a plan that has a far-reaching effect on the organization related to the purpose of the organization?

1.       Strategic or corporate plan

2.       Departmental Plan

3.       Operational plan ( कार्यगत योजना )

4.       Unit plan ( संचालन योजना )

Which plan works as a bridge between strategic plan and operational plan?

1.       Departmental plan ( विभागीय योजना )

2.       Corporate Plan ( संस्थागत योजना )

3.       Operational Plan (कार्यगत योजना )

4.       No one

What is the plan made by the lower level managers of the organization with the goal of making a relationship within a period of one year?

1.       Operational or unit plan

2.       Departmental plan

3.       Corporate or strategic plan

4.       All of the above

“Organization is the process of creating an organizational structure” Whose saying is this?

1.       S.P Robbins and Mary Coulter

2.       Koontz and O’Donnel

3.       R.W Griffin

4.       Joseph L. Massie

“Organization is a structural relationship in which the work area of coordinating individual efforts by identifying an enterprise is identified” whose saying is this?

1.       Koontz and O’Donnel

2.       Stoner

3.       RW Griffin

4.       J. L. Massie

According to Kunja and Waihrich:

1.       Identify and classify activities within the organizational structure

2.       To form groups and provide rights for the achievement of objectives

3.       Supervision and making arrangements for leveling and organizing the organizational structure

4.       All of the above

A person who expresses the classical view of the organization

1.       Henry Fayol

2.       Griffin

3.       Stoner

4.       R. B Robbins

He is a person who expresses the view of the bureaucracy in the organization

1.       Griffin

2.       Henry Fayal

3.       Max Weber

4.       Semen

Organization is called a static concept as a……..

A.      Process

B.      Structure

C.      Subject

D.      All of the above

Organization is considered a dynamic concept as a ……..

1)      Process

2)      Structure

3)      Subject

4)      All of the above

How many principles of Henry Fayol organization have been put forward?

1.       10

2.       12

3.       14

4.       16

According to which principle of the organization, from top to bottom, the management of middle and lower level reaches the lower level employees.

1.       Principle of order

2.       Principle in unity in order

3.       Principle of coordination

4.       Principle of efficiency

What is the principle that a person should be ordered by a single person and only then he can be accountable to the manager?

1.       Principle of unity in order

2.       Principle of unity in purpose

3.       Principle of balance

4.       Principle of delegation of authority

Which of the following is the principle of organization?

A.      Goal achievement

B.      Motivation

C.      Assignment of work

D.      Coordination

Effective performance is not possible without authority so the principle that each delegated authority and responsibility must be established in order to accomplish the task at hand. Which principle is based on this philosophy?

1.       Principle of delegation of authority

2.       Principle of accountability

3.       Principle of specialization

4.       Principle of control

Which of the following is correct?

1.       Delegation of authority is the shifting of authority upwards

2.       Delegation of power is the distribution of power in a smooth manner

3.       Delegation of authority is the subordination of authority

4.       Delegation of power is the extension of power to both sides up and down

Which of the following is not the principle of Organization?

1.       Unity in objectives

2.       Principles of organizational efficiency

3.       Principles of professional development

4.       Principles of Delegation of Powers

Which of the following is not the principle of Organization?

1.       Principles of consistency and continuity

2.       The principle of unity in purpose

3.       Dream theory

4.       The principle of unity in order

Which of the following shows the importance of the organization?

1.       Efficient and effective management

2.       Maximum utilization of human resources

3.       Training and development

4.       All of the above

The ………… was developed by the military organization

1.       Line Organization

2.       Line and staff organization

3.       Functional organization

4.       All of the above

Which of the following is an organization whose authority flows straight from top to bottom and accountability flows evenly in a straight line from bottom to top?

1.       Functional Organization (कार्यात्मक संगठन)

2.       Line organization

3.       Line and staff organization

4.       All of the above

Match the Following:



         i.            There is unity of order in a line organization

a)      Whose formulation is to achieve certain goal

       ii.            The committee identifies the group

b)      There may be problem of two managers

      iii.            Strategies are made for special purposes

c)       This is also called hierarchical theory

     iv.            There are two types of organizations based on relationships

d)      Formal and informal organizations


Answer- id, iia iiib ive

How many types of line organizations are there?

1.       2

2.       3

3.       4

4.       5

Which of the following is the benefit of line organization?

1.       Unity in direction

2.       Discipline

3.       Quick decision

4.       All of the above

Which of the following is the disadvantage of line organization?

1.       Lack of specialization

2.       More decision (अधिक निर्णय)

3.       Efficacy (प्रभावकारिता)

4.       Possibility of autocracy

Line and staff organization is understood as

1.       Modern and natural organizational structure

2.       Clearly defined rights and responsibilities for all work from the top to the bottom of the organization

3.       Structure to appoint experienced employees as managers in the organization

4.       All of the above

In which organization structure is the expert staff or technical person appointed to assist the chief executive (प्रमुख कार्यकारी / महाप्रबन्धक)?

1.       Line organization

2.       Line and staff organization

3.       Functional Organization (कार्यात्मक संगठन)

4.       All of the above

Who is the exponent (प्रतिपादक) of Functional Organization?

1.       SP Robbins and Mary Coulter

2.       FW Taylor

3.       RW Griffin

4.       Joseph L. Massie

………..divides the work on the basis of nature and assigns responsibility on the basis of uniqueness (विशिष्टता)

1.       Line organizational structure

2.       Staff organizational structure

3.       Functional organizational structure

4.       All of the above

Departmentalization is the process of grouping tasks in a rational way. Who said this?

1.       Griffin

2.       Enmanswich

3.       YK Bushan

4.       L. Ellen

Departmentalization can generally be done on ……….. Grounds

1.       4

2.       6

3.       7

4.       8

Who is the scholar who interprets direction as the heart of administration?

1.       Marshall E. Dimock

2.       Earnest Dale

3.       Theo Haimann

4.       Koontz and Donnell

Which of the following is not the feature of Direction?

1.       Human work

2.       Maximum contribution

3.       Creative Function

4.       All of the above

Which of the following is not the principle of direction?

1.       Principle of coherence in purpose (उदेश्यमा समन्जस्यताको सिद्धान्त)

2.       The principle of unity in purpose

3.       Principles of effective leadership

4.       Direction is a human act

Which of the following is the element of direction?

1.       Leadership

2.       Supervision

3.       Motivation

4.       All of the above

Which of the following is not the element of direction?

1.       Communication

2.       Coordination

3.       Initiative at work ( काममा पहल )

4.       Motivation

How many types of Directional/ Instructional elements are there?

1.       3

2.       4

3.       5

4.       6

”Communication is the exchange of ideas and reasoning information between two or more people” who said this?

1.       Newman and summer

2.       Koontz and O’ Donnell

3.       Kith Davis

4.       Waihrich

“Communication is the act of exchanging signals or news, and the act by one member of an organization of sharing meaning and understanding with another member.’’ Who said this?

1.       Newman and summer

2.       Koontz and O’ Donnell

3.       Kith Davis

4.       Waihrich

Who is the scholar who defines communication as the transfer and understanding of meaning?

1.       Robbins

2.       Waihrich

3.       Newman and summer

4.       Kith Davis

Which of the following is needed for effective communication?

1.       Two persons

2.       Medium

3.       Acceptance of information by receiver

4.       All of the above

Which of the following is not the feature of communication?

1.       Two way process

2.       Pervasive function

3.       Psychological barriers

4.       Integral (अभिन्न) body of management

Which of the following is the feature of communication?

1.       Two way process

2.       Explain the true meaning of the message

3.       Medium of exchange

4.       All of the above

…… is taken as the Circulatory system of the management.

1.       Communication

2.       Management

3.       Staff

4.       Government

Office resources are divided into how many parts

1.       2

2.       3

3.       4

4.       5

What is communication between employees in any organization called?

1.       External communication

2.       Internal communication

3.       Inner communication

4.       Outer communication

Letters, memo, information, orders, bill, vouchers, suggestion, are

1.       Internal Communication

2.       External communication

3.       Inner communication

4.       Outer communication

What is it called if a employee of an organization sends message to another organization’s employee?

1.       Internal communication

2.       Inner communication

3.       External communication

4.       All of the above

Which of the following is not the source of external message for an organization?

1.       Articles, magazines and journals

2.       Customer Mediator and Supplier

3.       Bill

4.       Consultant

In how many types communication can be divided

1.       2

2.       3

3.       4

4.       5

What is the communication path officially determined by the management called?

1.       Formal communication

2.       Informal communication

3.       Downward communication

4.       Flat communication

How many types of communication are there depending on the direction of flow?

1.       2

2.       3

3.       4

4.       5

Which of the following can be understood as an informal communication?

1.       The communication route is not predetermined and the communication route is unpredictable

2.       Communication is transmitted quickly

3.       Less reliable

4.       All of the above

What is the communication that the boss provides instructional guidance and information to the assistant?

1.       Downward communication

2.       Upward Communication

3.       Flat Communication

4.       Diagonal Communication

What is the communication that the assistant provides suggestion, response, and information to the boss?

1.       Upward communication

2.       Downward communication

3.       Flat communication

4.       Diagonal communication

The process by which information flows between employees or departments at the same level in an organizational structure is called

1.       Upward communication

2.       Downward communication

3.       Flat communication

4.       Diagonal communication

What is the information that flows among the employees working at different levels of the organization called?

1.       Upward communication

2.       Downward communication

3.       Flat communication

4.       Diagonal communication

Which of the following is not a psychological barrier to effective communication?

1.       Distrust of service

2.       Motivation and high level of confidence

3.       Lack of information

4.       Interest, nature and emotion


Motivation is originated from

1.       Latin

2.       English

3.       French

4.       None

From which Latin word the word Motivation was originated?

1.       To move

2.       Motive

3.       Movere

4.       Morale

Motivation is a ……….. Process

1.       Psychological

2.       Physical

3.       Social

4.       Economical

“Motivation is the intense desire or stress to achieve the goal of moving in a certain direction” Whose definition is this.

1.       Kunja and Waihrich

2.       Klaloar Satel

3.       S.P Robbins

4.       M. Kotler

…………… is the act of motivating employees to perform to the best of their ability.

1.       Decision making

2.       Coordination

3.       Direction

4.       Motivation

A motivated employee is always…………

1.       Diligent and determined (लगनशील र कटिबद्ध)

2.       Aggressive

3.       Passive

4.       Agitated (आन्दोलित)

Which of the following is the feature of motivation?

1.       Psychological process

2.       Goal oriented

3.       Complex Social Process

4.       All of the above

When did Abraham Maslow formulate the theory of the chain of motivational necessity? Need hierarchy Theory of Maslow

1.       1994

2.       1943

3.       1950

4.       1952

In how many levels did Maslow categorized the need of human beings

1.       3

2.       4

3.       5

4.       6

Which of the following is a minimum requirement for a Maslow?

1.       1st

2.       2nd

3.       3rd

4.       4th

Who is the exponent of motivation- hygiene theory (उत्प्रेरणा आरोग्य सिद्धान्त)?

1.       Prof. Fredrick Herzberg

2.       Abraham Maslow

3.       Calor Satel

4.       Robbins

When did Prof. Fredrik Herzberg found the motivation-hygiene theory?

1.       1945

2.       1950

3.       1952

4.       1985

Herzberg’s Principle emphasis…

1.       High performance can be achieved by increasing employee work satisfaction

2.       Can make the worker satisfied

3.       Eliminates worker dissatisfaction

4.       None

How many parts has the Herzberg divided the human element from its research?

1.       2

2.       3

3.       4

4.       5

Who is the exponent of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Theory of Motivation?

1.       Max Grayer

2.       Herzberg

3.       Maslow

4.       Kunj and Waihrich

‘X’ Theory analyze the…………… side of a person.

1.       Economical

2.       Negative

3.       Positive

4.       All of the above

Y’ theory analyze the…………part of a person.

1.       Economical

2.       Negative

3.       Positive

4.       All of the above

What are valid under the principle of Max Grayer?

1.       Individuals are not motivated to work spontaneously

2.       The person needs control and command

3.       Fear motivates you to work only because of fear and possible harm to yourself

4.       All of the above

Which of the following are recognized by the ‘Y’ theory of Max Grayer?

1.       A person always works faithfully for the sake of rules

2.       Feels happy to work

3.       There is always creativity to take a good decision

4.       All of the above

At what stage of the actual performance measurement control process done?

1.       1st

2.       2nd

3.       3r

4.       4th

What should be done to find out if the performance standard is equal to or less than?

1.       Performance measurement

2.       Corrective action

3.       Comparison of work done with a work value

4.       Analysis of the causes of the differences

On what basis is the actual performance of employees measured?

1.       Personal observation

2.       Interview

3.       Records and reports

4.       All of the above

What makes the difference between performance appraisal and actual performance?

1.       Negligence, skill, and experience of staff

2.       Outdated technology

3.       Ineffective plan and implementation

4.       All of the above


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