BHDC IPO is Coming within a Month
BHDC IPO is Coming within a Month

The most awaited IPO of the hydropower sector is about to release soon. Bindabashini Hydropower Development company (BHDC) is going to be approved soon by the securities board of Nepal (SEBON). It had posted the application about a year ago in the 2078-10-20. But due to the different issues, BHDC becomes unable to issue its IPO shares to the public. 
It faced a documentation problem. Now it revised the prospectus and the document sent to SEBON for approval and reached the second last step of approval it is now in the stage of replied and under review.

We can hope it is coming within a month. Bindabashini Hydropower Development Company is going to issue 25,00,000 units of shares for the general public and local people. It is expected that BHDC will allow at least 18,00,000 to 19,00,000 units of shares to general people allocating some units to the local people.

What topics we are going to cover here?

  • About IPO issuing company
  • How many units are going to be issued?
  • How much does it cost for a unit of IPO?
  • Who is the issue manager?

Care Ratings Nepal has given the rating of CARE-NP BB+ to the Bindabashini Hydropower Development Company. This is a good rating that shows the moderate level of risk for the BHDC after analyzing the current status of the company. Care Nepal is known as the leading rating provider for the IPO releasing companies in Nepal.

Sanima Capital Ltd has been selected as the issue manager of this IPO. You can also check the result of BHDC's IPO from the official website of Sanima Capital Ltd when it publishes the result.

Bindabashini Hydropower is issuing the IPO on par (100 rupees per share) and you have to invest 1,000 rupees for this IPO. You can be able to apply for this IPO just for 1,000 Nepali rupees.

Since it's not issuing the huge units of share, you just need to apply for the 10 units of shares which is a minimum number of shares that you can apply for. 

It's under the stage of the replyed and under review. It is expected to pass this stage and go for the issue to local within a month. After it issues the IPO to the local people we can expect it will issue the IPO for the general people within 15 days from the local level issue and allotment. You can be able to apply for the IPO of BHDC within 1 to 1 and a half months.

Keep gathering information and analyzing them so that you can do your best in the secondary market after getting the BHDC IPO.